
2020年11月30日—ToEnableTabGroupAutoCreateinGoogleChrome·OpentheChromebrowser.·SelectEnabledtotherightoftheTabGroupsAutoCreateflag.,MicrosoftEdgeVersion89.0.722.0(Officialbuild)canary(64-bit)hasadded2newfeaturestoTabGroupsandimprovedthepreviousones.youneedto.,2022年10月19日—Chooseoneofthetabsthatyouwanttoincludeinagroup—anywilldo—andright-clickonit.SelectAddTabtoGroup>NewGroup;Typein ...,202...

Enable Tab Groups Auto Create in Google Chrome

2020年11月30日 — To Enable Tab Group Auto Create in Google Chrome · Open the Chrome browser. · Select Enabled to the right of the Tab Groups Auto Create flag.

Great new features

Microsoft Edge Version 89.0.722.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) has added 2 new features to Tab Groups and improved the previous ones. you need to.

How to create and save Chrome tab groups

2022年10月19日 — Choose one of the tabs that you want to include in a group — any will do — and right-click on it. Select Add Tab to Group > New Group; Type in ...

How to automatically group tabs in Chrome?

2022年6月2日 — I am looking for a way to automatically create groups of tabs with the same domain. ... tab-groups-auto-create . On my Chrome v. 101 there is ...

How to Enable Tab Groups Auto Create in Google Chrome

2021年3月8日 — Learn how to enable Tab Groups Auto-Create in the Chrome browser. It automatically creates groups for user, if tab groups are enabled.

Auto Tab Groups

2024年1月1日 — This extension allows you to set custom rules that then auto sort your tabs. IT does this using Google Tab Groups. It lets you set up as ...


2023年10月6日 — Automatically add tabs to your configured groups, based on their URL. Categorize your frequently used websites and automatically add them to tab ...

Opening a new tab will no longer automatically create ...

2023年4月12日 — While using the updated version of Tab Groups, links which open in a new tab will no longer automatically create a group as you browse. You'll ...


Auto-Group Tabs ... This is a Google Chrome extension which enables the configuration of tab groups for certain URLs. Navigating to such a URL will automatically ...